Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Library

So...here am I am the library. I have done some school work throughout the day (a little reading...a little bit of thinking about the paper I have to write). Anyway, the point is...I am still here at the library. What an amazing place. Particularly here at UCCS, the library is quite phenomenal. There are always a lot of people here working hard on papers and research and whatever else they may be doing. Probably blogging like me. Anyway, I am so impressed by this campus and it's students. So diligent and studious! At my undergrad alma mater...the library was not the place to be. You went to the library if you wanted to insure that you never saw another person's face so that you could actually gain the benefits of studying in pure isolation (if you see benefits in that at all). So, I should get back to reading or actually writing that paper I have been thinking about. I for one love that I can be here with tons of other people "slaving away" on school work.

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