Sunday, November 08, 2009

First Video Blog!

Hope you all enjoy this- my first attempt at a video blog. :)

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*If interested in participating financially, simply mail your check payable to New Life Church (indicate “Maggie Turner ” in the memo section of the check). The check should be mailed to: New Life Church Attention: Global Ministries – Maggie Turner 11025 Voyager Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO 80921. If you prefer, donations may also be made online. Visit the New Life Church website and click on the “Giving” button located on the homepage. Then follow these simple steps - 1.Sign in if you already have an account or create one. 2.Enter your donation amount and choose the type of gift (one-time/recurring). 3.Choose Adult Missions under Fund then select AM-Maggie Turner under “Sub-Fund".


  1. Thank you for sharing, Maggie!
    You're looking beautiful and I can tell you're at rest. :) Love you.

  2. Maggie, I enjoyed your video blog so much! It was so good to see your face and hear your voice! I'm glad you are adjusting and everything is starting off great. I hope you keep this up, I would love to keep up with you and your life in China that way. Praying for you! Love you!

  3. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Mags loved this video blog. What a cool idea....really helps us connect with everything going on out there. I'm EXTREMELY proud of you.

    Lets talk soon.

  4. Mags, You are an inspiration; truly a mover and a shaker. I am believing with you for direction, God-connections, and nothing but prosperity in all that you do in China. I love you so much and feel honored to have known you all of these 15 wonderful years. Gods richest blessings to you, Mags.

  5. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Mags! I love the blog video!! You look so excited and happy! I think you are amazing!! Give China a big hug for me!:) -Susannah

  6. Mag-light,
    I loved the video, thanks for sharing with us! So exciting to see what you're already up to in China, wow!

  7. Thanks for taking time to view the first video everybody, and all of your kind and encouraging words lifted my spirits. Thank you! I really do appreciate it. Hope you keep checking back or subscribe in order to keep up with further post.


  8. This was great! I am so proud of you, friend and can't wait to hear more updates. Love you!

  9. Shannon2:07 AM

    I totally love your video blog. Love and miss you. It is good to see your face and know what's going on and how to be praying for you. Can't wait for the next update. Luv ya!

  10. Maggie! I miss you a ton, but I know you will be doing great things there in China. I loved your first video blog. Way to go!!

  11. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Loved the video blog. It was sooo good to see your face and that beautiful smile. I miss you tons Maggie!!!

    Love you!

  12. Maggie -

    Great video. I'll be following the blog!
