Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It's Burrr Cold!

This week began with a rude awakening. Winter has officially arrived here. I didn't expect to bust out the scarves and gloves this quickly. I was aware that very few people have heat in their homes, but I was not nearly prepared mentally or wardrobe wise as I should have been for this winter with NO HEAT! Everyone keeps their jackets on while inside and bundle up even more when heading outside. This is a new way of living that I must embrace or be left out in the cold – literally!

Now on to more important topics like Chinese and coffee, an old love and a new found endeavor. A coffee shop has been located, two in actually. They are in fact right next door to each other. A place to go, drink a warm latte (remember it's freezing!), study and call a second home is a welcomed find for me right now. There are many adjustments to living in a new place. It doesn't matter how far away either...new city, state or country. Finding new places that are apart of everyday life is so valuable. Where will I get coffee and have a home away from home? Where will I shop for food? Where will I buy my hair product (oh I hope I can find mine here)? The list could go on, but you get the idea. All of this to say, I think I’ve found my happy place. Learning Chinese is bound to get better with a latte in hand.

Lastly, I’ve been thinking about Thanksgiving and all the many things I am grateful for in my life. I look forward to sharing more of these thoughts in an upcoming blog. A new video blog will be up next week if I not frozen solid first.

Click here to see the latest photos.


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*If interested in participating financially, simply mail your check payable to New Life Church (indicate “Maggie Turner ” in the memo section of the check). The check should be mailed to: New Life Church Attention: Global Ministries – Maggie Turner 11025 Voyager Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO 80921. If you prefer, donations may also be made online. Visit the New Life Church website and click on the “Giving” button located on the homepage. Then follow these simple steps - 1.Sign in if you already have an account or create one. 2.Enter your donation amount and choose the type of gift (one-time/recurring). 3.Choose Adult Missions under Fund then select AM-Maggie Turner under “Sub-Fund".

1 comment:

  1. Ni Hao Ma! I think I just said hello in Chinese. Shi Shi! And I think that's thank you...haha!

    I loved reading this blog, Maggie. Make sure you bundle up :)
