Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday this year
was a little different. No turkey. No oven.
No pumpkin. Instead. Chicken strips. Coca Cola. Chopsticks. I’ve yet to cook an entire Thanksgiving meal on my own, nor had I cooked since arriving here on this Asian adventure. So why not try both at the same time!? I’ll say this first, when in the kitchen I’ve learned from a dear friend that creativity is key. The first thing I was thankful for this year was this little bit of advice that saved the day. After this experience I made a
list of things I’m thankful for this year. It’s random, but I hope you enjoy.

Things I’m thankful for this year…

God’s love, Support, Ability to adapt, His grace, Pillows & Blankets, Friends, Peace in uncertainty, Feeling valued, Goodbyes, Hellos, Feeling warm, Scarves, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Wisdom, Hot showers, Jackets, Pizza, Knowledge, Warm clothes, Umbrellas, Understanding, Washing machines, Lattes, Truth, Friendship, Skype, Nice people, The Body of Christ, iChat, Heat, Encouragement, Hoodies, The Holy Spirit, Community, My Mac!, The Sun, Steve Jobs, Coffee, The Bible, Money, Baristas, Pictures, Mr Zhang & Family, Starbucks Via, Good pair of jeans, His guidance, My brain, Coffee shops, God's work in me, Forgiveness, Salvation, His provision, Joy, Redemption, Kindness, Compassion, Ability to walk, The Gym, Fireworks, Language, My hearing, Conversation, Communication, Prayer...just to name a few things.

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