Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The Boy in the Street

Recently, I was with some friends driving down a very busy street with lots of people going here and there. Our driver honked his horn, and I heard the echo of other drivers doing the same. It wasn't until one of my friends demanded the driver stop the car that I even noticed that there was a very young boy (maybe 2 years old) meandering in the middle of the street. His face was frightful with tears streaming down. No one was doing anything to help this boy, even after my two friends tried to get someone to help. Cars and taxis had just honked and swerved the other way. Men sitting at tables of an outdoor eatery laughed as my friend yelled in desperation, "Mama?? Anyone know this boy's momma?? English? Does anyone speak English??" Most everyone looked and stared, but no one wanted to be involved. The boy continued to scream and probably was even more afraid now because these random strangers were now trying to coax him out of the middle of the street. Finally, a woman came over and got out her cell phone. We think and hope that she either called the police or knew his family. The boy was with the lady when we left, but he remained in a state of chaos...crying and fighting those trying to keep him safe.

Having encountered that boy just to leave him not knowing exactly the outcome was so hard. Maybe he was lost, and the phone call made by the lady that stepped up to help reunites him with his family. Or maybe he'll be wondering that or another street tomorrow and the next day. I may not know the complete outcome of this boy and his whole life, but I do know that in that moment when our paths crossed this young boy's we did what we could do to show love and provide safety. Lately, I’ve been overwhelmed with two things – Brokenness and Faith. This world is incredibly broken. I, also, am broken and without hope apart from a Savior. We all need mercy and rescuing just like this little boy, and it’s in my faith where I find peace knowing that though I am powerless to fix brokenness there is hope. It’s not that I don’t do something, in fact I do my very best to serve and love where I can. However, I must remember that even though I “do” it’s not about that. It all comes down to what I have faith in…faith in the One that can rescue and save. I’ll end this post with a fitting quote…

“He was in God’s hands. As long as he did his best – and he had done his best – God would see to the final issue. He had not succeeded. But he had done his best. No one could do more. ‘Tis not in mortals to command success.’ He must not be worried about the final results…It was in God’s hands. One must be content to leave it there. One must have faith…” C.S. Lewis – Perelandra (Science Fiction Trilogy)

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