Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Nepal Recap Video

Last July I had the great privilege to travel to Nepal with eight fellow MILLers for a month long mission trip. We had an incredible time connecting with a long time friend of theMILL James Lhomi. What an honor to serve along side him in the Manage region located deep in the Himalayas. He gives his all to serve and pastor the people in this area of Nepal. We were there for a couple of weeks. He kept thanking us for coming, but we were the ones blessed by his faithfulness and servanthood. In addition, we partnered with Bob Clinton of First Love International to serve at four of their children's homes located in Nepal. We spent the majority of our last two weeks at their Chitwan home. The children captured a part of my heart that is difficult to express. They inspired me to love deeper than I had before in my life, and they helped me realize that I can do that in extravagance by being humble and simple. They thanked us for coming, but they were the ones making the impact - not us. It was an unbelievable trip full of God's sweet and unmistakable presence along with adventure, love, laughter, beauty, awe, His still small voice, His almighty power, constant companions, grandiose views and a thousand sweet moments. I hope you'll have the time to check out this little recap. It's actually more of a documentary taking you along for the journey, therefore it's more on the long side. I'm no professional, so please forgive me for issues of quality and a very long buffering/download time. Put it on mute, let it sit for awhile and come back later for the viewing. :) Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. oh Maggie...I love love LOVE this video! It made me laugh and cry and laugh again and cry again. What a good and memorable way to re-live our trip together. Thank you for making this and sharing it with us =D I love you! -Danielle
