Wednesday, February 09, 2011

A Journey Back...Forward - Part 2

Walking to my next gate during a layover at the Tokyo airport, I ran into past participants from programs at MTI. This is the non-profit organization where I work in Colorado. We (Steven and Lauren Sauder & I) were all on the same flight. They are moving to Chiang Mai, Thailand for a 2-3 year initial time of service with Growing Entrepreneurs International. I meet them in Colorado, they are from Illinois, and here we are in Japan randomly on the same flight to Bangkok...What a small world!!

Moments like these, I appreciate community and reflect on how valuable it is in our lives. How sweet to have a chance to visit, swap stories, hear the latest news, be encouraged and hopefully be a bit of a blessing to others on the journey. I'm thankful for all the many friends along the path of life, and for whatever season or seasons we may travel together it is what makes the journey GREAT!

At this point in my trip back to Asia, this clear reminder of God's desire for us to know others and be known by them was rich. I am so thankful in this season of grief and transition for the incredible community of friends (in so many places) that fill my life to overflowing! The friends of seasons' past that remain steady and strong, but also the new relationships that have been an unexpected source of strength, grace and encouragement in these last eight months. Living out faith in community is something I have always valued, but never more than in my transition back to states while walking through grief. Lastly, it was such a sweet and perfect place to have a new, pleasant experience that created the first great memory of this trip.

Thankful for community...thankful for the Sauders...thankful for God's sweet, gentle reminder of His ways...

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